2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
performances | performance installations | exhibitions | larps | residencies | workshops |
work session | presentations | panel discussions | symposium | meetup | radio |
Performing Light Instruments with the GROND Improvisers Group
Together with other GROND performers I will improvise with my light instruments.
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Intricate Interplays
The fruits of iii’s unique incubator program iii is an artist-run, community platform supporting new interdisciplinary practices linking performance, technology and the human senses. Their Intricate Interplays create an operatic experience in which a selection of performative installations are made in and around iii's unique incubator program. During the evening, these selected works will be presented for the first time together forming an intricate interplay, and blurring the lines between individual and collective work. The works are woven and bound together into a new experience by overlapping and recombining to create a new dramaturgy in which they can coexist - creating a polyphonic experience between the human, technology and the senses.
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Tryout: Studies of Light and Wind
In preparation for the performance evening Intricate Interplays at Korzo in The Hague on November 30th, Marije Baalman is working in GROND’s blackbox for a few days with brand new light objects, wind machines and spinning paper objects. During these rehearsal days, she is joined by Dieter Vandoren and Ludmila Rodrigues, who bring drone music and inflatables to the performance. On this Sunday early evening, you are invited to join a tryout of this theater for the senses and give feedback to the process. There are two sessions, one at 17h and one at 19h30.
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"Etudes pour le livecoding à une main" at the Toetsenparade
I will perform Etudes pour le livecoding à une main at the Toetsenparade at Het Veem
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Digital Care - the Evening of The Hands curated by Marije Baalman
Shaping sound with your hands is the main concept that led pioneering artist Michel Waisvisz to create The Hands. With these two hand-held objects full of sensors shaped exactly for his hands, he was able to control synthesizers and live sampling software in an expressive way. An evening with performances by Franziska Baumannm, Alex Nowitz and Michel Waisvisz, and presentations by Andi Otto and Marije Baalman. Curated by commission of V2_ and LIMA
Lecture-performance at Flipchart #5
I will perform the lecture-performance 'Composing an Interaction' created for the book launch at V2_ on this event
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Wind Instrument at Lytteevent #5
Performance of Wind Instrument at Regelbau411, during the iii retreat to the Sound Art Lab in Struer, Denmark. Supported by Regelbau411, SPOR Festival and Sound Art Lab.
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"the machine is learning" at Bartalk #25: Control
The performance "the machine is learning" evolved out of the GeCoLa project. Machine learning is hailed as both the solution to our current day problems, as well as one of the most threatening things to life as we know it. The performance the machine is learning is a theatrical performance highlighting the process of training a machine with realtime gestures: the labour that is absent from most dialogues on machine learning.
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"the machine is learning" at "AiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAaAAIIIIIIIIIaaaaiiiiiiiiiiï" at iMal
The performance "the machine is learning" evolved out of the GeCoLa project. Machine learning is hailed as both the solution to our current day problems, as well as one of the most threatening things to life as we know it. The performance the machine is learning is a theatrical performance highlighting the process of training a machine with realtime gestures: the labour that is absent from most dialogues on machine learning.
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10 minute livecoding challenge
Performing a remake of 'Code LiveCode Live' for the 10 minute livecoding challenge, set up by Creative Coding Utrecht.
I performed this piece last time in 2014. To make it possible to redo the performance, I had to revise some of the backend code of accessing the ThinkPad's sensors, and this time I had access to the touchpad (previously I could not access that data). The motiontracking, I had to run from a second laptop, x-forwarding the ssh session to have the image on screen of the laptop on which I perform. The video is recorded with OBS Studio.
An associated interview will appear on: The Aesthetics of Creative Coding.
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"the machine is learning" at the Live Interfaces conference
The performance "the machine is learning" evolved out of the GeCoLa project. Machine learning is hailed as both the solution to our current day problems, as well as one of the most threatening things to life as we know it. The performance the machine is learning is a theatrical performance highlighting the process of training a machine with realtime gestures: the labour that is absent from most dialogues on machine learning.
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This evening we will present the outcome of a short-term “flash residency” period for developing performative work that explores the potential for livecoding practice to overlap with other performative disciplines. The event brings together livecoding performers/researchers with accomplished performance practitioners to prototype a new performance concept over the course of two workdays and to perform this work during an experimental concert evening. I will be performing together with Miri Lee. The other duo consists of Jonathan Reus and Maya Fridman.
Gecola at Emutelab 4
A performance with a new iteration of the GeCoLa developed during the MIMIC residency.
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"Etudes pour le livecoding à une main" at Algo-Rhythms #3
Second performance of this work.
I will perform from a script of RedFrik’s performance “Livecoded supercollider, well practiced” at the LOSS Livecode Festival in Sheffield on July 20th, 2007, as found on Fredrik Olofsson’s website. To make the script suitable for performance in 2019 within the etude-environment, minor adjustments were made in the code to ensure that it would execute and to reduce the line length to fit into the graphical interface.
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"Etudes pour le livecoding à une main" at ICLC
First performance of this new work. Exact date and time and more info will follow!
I will perform from a script of RedFrik’s performance “Livecoded supercollider, well practiced” at the LOSS Livecode Festival in Sheffield on July 20th, 2007, as found on Fredrik Olofsson’s website ( To make the script suitable for performance in 2019 within the etude-environment, minor adjustments were made in the code to ensure that it would execute and to reduce the line length to fit into the graphical interface.
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Sonic Embassy at NPP #34
The outcome 'Sonic Embassy' of the residency with Nina Runa Essendrop will be presented at No Patent Pending #34
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How to defend yourself from danger at Amsterdam Fringe Festival
After last year's premiere in The Hague, this year we will show 'How to defend yourself from danger' four times during the Amsterdam Fringe Festival! A collaboration between iii and o k a p i.
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Chrysalis at Connector VIII, STEIM
Performance of Chrysalis. This will include the new machine learning algorithms that were developed during the residency at Sussex University.
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Chrysalis at Emutelab 0
Performance of Chrysalis including the new work done with Chris Kiefer on machine learning algorithms
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Algo-Rhythms - a livecoding event
An evening of live coding performances by Marije Baalman, Joanne Armitage & the OFFAL and Joana Chicau, and talks with the artists about their practice and experiences. This event is dedicated to the act of coding as a live artistic intervention; from digital to physical expressions, a myriad of experiments relating code with sound, code to the body, the body to movement and counter-movements. The talks will focus on the issue of gender diversity in the electronic music scene. Is the livecoding community inclusive enough? Is the open source movement open enough? what were the artists’ personal experiences in this sense? This programme is a joint venture between Joana Chicau and New Emergences. New Emergences is an initiative that serves as a platform to openly discuss issues regarding gender equality in electronic music and sound art.
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Connect the Dots: No Patent Pending #29
“Connect the Dots” is a program revolving around participatory artworks, through which we invite the audience to take part in playful and open-ended experiences. No Patent Pending is a nomadic performance series presenting radical interdisciplinary practices that engage with sound, image, space and the body. Imagining new tools to articulate everyday phenomena, extending the body, remapping sense perceptions, hacking and reinventing existing media and codes, creating time and space for events which find their preferred storage medium in the memory of participants. During this event, we will present the outcome of the residencies at De Veenfabriek with iii and OKAPI.
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Metarythmes, Montréal – ‘migration1’
OBORO, STUDIO XX and TOPLAP are supporting ‘Metarythmes’ a series of meetings to collaborate and explore around the concepts ‘live and rhythm’ through non conventional vocabularies. Recording:
NIME 2017 - performance of Chrysalis
Performance at the NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) conference 2017
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Wezen --- Gewording at Electronic Extravaganza
Performance at Electronic Extravaganza - festival voor grensoverschrijdende elektronische muziek. Nieuw cutting edge festival voor grensoverschrijdende elektronische muziek op het snijvlak van dance, ambient, pop, noise, DIY, installatiekunst en hedendaags gecomponeerde muziek.
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Performing with the scrempler at Oorsprong Curators Series
‘Promoting, feeding, challenging and questioning Improvisation Tradition by presenting monthly 3 different blinddate+instnt composing lineups curated by 3 different curators (movement, electronics and acoustic improvisation). These lineups represent by definition onging and uncompromising social and artistic experiments’. I curated the electronic set and am playing with Jasna Velickovic, Anne Wellmer, Femke Ravensberger (Bird in a Glasshouse) and Irina Baldini.
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What if this is gallery dance? LIVE PERFORMANCE of Chrysalis
Part of What if this was Gallery dance? : Live performance CHRYSALIS, by Marije Baalman
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City Sondols, by Matteo Marangoni
“City Sondols” is an ongoing series of public interventions exploring architecture and public space that employ performative practices and mobile audio devices to induce perceptual shifts within the built environment. Matteo Marangoni and Marije Baalman, equipped with self-made, mobile musical instruments lead their audience on a walk through the city while probing the surrounding space with sound. Using echolocation techniques and feedback processes aural impressions of sites are conveyed. Combining aesthetic contemplation, physical engagement and urban guerrilla tactics the walk proposes a form of active perception that temporarily modifies the surrounding environment.
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Wezen --- Gewording
Performance at the Symposium on Musical Instruments in the 21st Century — Identities, Configurations, Practices
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Chrysalis at METABODY Toulouse
Performance of Chrysalis at the Nuit des Chercheurs Europeenne
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Chrysalis at Electropixel #6
Chrysalis is a performance-installation focusing on the slowness of movements and how they can be perceived by amplifying them with sound and light. The presentation at Electropixel is the result of a week-long residency at APO33 in the week prior to Electropixel.
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Wind Instrument at ElectroPixel #6
Wind Instrument was commissioned by iii; this will be the second performance for the opening of the ElectroPixel #6 festival organised by APO33.
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Wind Instrument at Sand Songs
Presentation of the new Wind Instrument at the Sand Song event organisded by iii. Location is on the beach!
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A collaboration with Jaime del Val - exploring the use of motors to make the flexible architecture move by itself.
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The end of the year always puts STEIM into a festive mode! This year we would like to keep things close to ourselves and present a line-up filled with STEIM Staff members and interns
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Wezen - Gewording at DAFX '15
During the DAFX 2015 concert I will be performing Wezen-Gewording.
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Oorsprong - Een Osmotische Avond V
Improvisation with: Dirar Kalash / Saxophone & Laptop, Robin Koek / Electronics, Marije Baalman / Electronics, Semay Wu / Electronics
Wezen - Gewording
Wezen is a solo music-theatre work where I try to explore the relationship between theatrical gesture and musical instrument between the body and the sonic world. Gewording (Becoming) is the first performance version where the link between physical and sonic gesture is explored during a live performance combining movement of the body and live coding.
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Wezen-Gewording bij Kunst achter Dijken
Back to the roots - a special performance in the central church of the small village I was born. Performances at: Saturday 15h30 - 15h45, Saturday 21h30 - 21h45, Sunday 12h30 - 12h45, Sunday 16h00 - 16h15
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Wezen-Gewording at Electrosketch concert
Dirty drafts of electronic adventures. STEIM related musicians show off their ongoing projects. A night of live performances, new ideas and some shocking sounds.
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Performance at Affording Differences
A performance of Wezen-Gewording at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Part of the METABODY project.
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Oorsprong Curators Series
A night of improvisations at the Bimhuis as a special edition of the Oorsprong Curators Series
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Solo concert!
Solo concert in Strasbourgh! This will feature three pieces: Code LiveCode Live and Wezen-Gewording and a piece on the Scrempler
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Modality Concert
Modality concert, playing Wezen-Gewording and an improvisation on the Scrempler with Bjornar Habbestad
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Wezen-Gewording – Livecoding and the Body
After discussion a performance of my piece Wezen-Gewording
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Wezen-Gewording at NIME in London
Performance of Wezen-Gewording at the annual NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) conference.
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Modality Concert
The concert at OT301 that concludes the Modality Work Group residency at STEIM. I curated this concert.
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Concert of Bodies
At STEIM's concert of bodies I will be performing Wezen-Gewording!
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Live improv at Oorsprong Curators Series
Live improvisation using my Scrempler, together with Daniel Schorno, Jan-Kees van Kampen and Dead Fish Fuck.
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Wezen-Gewording at White Fungus event
Wezen-Gewording performed live at NK Projekt in Berlin
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STEIM Staff Concert : Wezen - Gewording
At the STEIM Staff concert I will present a performance with my current live setup - a mixture between gestural control and live coding.
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Wezen - Becoming
Performance at Studio Loos of a first version of Wezen - Becoming.
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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
performances | performance installations | exhibitions | larps | residencies | workshops |
work session | presentations | panel discussions | symposium | meetup | radio |