N-Polytope is a spectacular light and sound environment combining cutting edge lighting, lasers, sound, sensing and artificial intelligence software technologies inspired by composer Iannis Xenakis’s works named “Polytopes”.
In collaboration with Ludmila Rodrigues
The work of Baalman and Rodrigues departs from the experience of seafaring, examining its social and technological features to create a multisensory experience inside the Soulangh’s exhibition hall. The artists attempt to blend methods of kite flying with the 17th century sailing technologies that brought distant cultures closer together.
In the project Dynamic Light Patterns Studies, I am exploring the compositional and performative possibilities of new light instruments to generate dynamic light patterns.
From an interdisciplinary background in electronic music and interactive art, I intend to research how I can make a performative experience where light is a dynamic, temporal visual experience, rather than a static image.
Baken (beacon) is an interactive light artwork that registers the local climate and living environment and translates these to light simulations visualising the changes in (living) climate in Amsterdam. The beacon will be a 15 meter cylindrical, sculptural light artwork mounted on the corner of the facade of the new artist incubator the Vrijkoop van Bajesdorp.
Interactive technologies have become a part of many different artistic practices. Nowadays artists make use of sensors, electronic circuits, computation, and algorithms to create engaging aesthetic experiences.
Marije Baalman applies her extensive experience as an artist and as an engineer to guide the reader through the creation process of interactive digital artworks. She elaborates on different techniques for creating meaningful interactions and presents detailed case studies of a range of artistic work from the field to illustrate the techniques in practice.
Composing Interactions brings together aesthetic considerations, practical guidelines for project development, and an overview of sensors, circuits, and processing algorithms.
Vliegen, liggen, in gedachten
VLIG is a composition made for a kite.
Flying a kite is both an eventful and meditative activity at the same time. The wind is unpredictable and can direct the kite in sudden directions and cause the kite to crash land. At other times the wind provides a steady flow, for the kite to stay endless in the air, only shifting sideways slightly, minute pressure changes on the cloth.
In de installatie Omhels andere gedachtes worden de verhalen van de buurtbewoners van Steigereiland verzameld. Op een intieme manier kan de bezoeker een verhaal van een buurtgenoot terugluisteren: door de mannequin met daarop een speciale poncho te omhelzen.
(2010) In collaboration with Elio Bidinost Sonobotanics is still a widely unknown science; it studies plants whose life experience is predominantly in the auditory domain. The sounds of the Triquetri are accurately modelled using Lindenmayer's system.
Just Noticeable Difference (JND) is a sensory environment for one person at a time lying in total darkness, and explores the gaps in seeing, hearing and feeling, the fluctuation of noise and order and the play between sensation and sense making directly taking place at the level of bodily experience.
Developed for Popkalab in collaboration with Bless.
The hammock has embedded sensors to detect the person on the hammock and the swinging on the hammock and plays music based on this.
In Transit are a number of sonic creatures living in the ceiling of the Gerard building at Strijp-S in Eindhoven, they will co-exist with the people living in the building, following their movements, and initiating their own.
For the repurposing of two old Philips buildings, Anton and Gerard, on the Strijp-S area in Eindhoven, two sound installations are created to enrich the experience of living in the area.
In Transit is designed for the passage in the Gerard building.
In collaboration with Alberto de Campo and Hannes Hoelzl.
Modelling the sonobotanic plants, Periperceptoida Dendriformis Sensibilis and Periperceptoida Dendriformis Imaginaris.