artist and researcher/developer based in Amsterdam - working with sound, light and interaction


  • Creating Algorithmic Sentience
    7 June 2018 | touch, movement, game, larp
    In the second part of my “Sentient Machines” residency at Baltan Laboratories, I focused on prototyping the game interactions for the multiparticipant environment. During the residency I worked with Tim Bosje and Marion Traenkle.
    We did a playtest on June 6 with 7 participants. As we had to put out the call for the playtest long before we created the larp/game, I gave the name Algorithmic Sentience to the larp in reference to the name of the residency program at Baltan: Sentient Machines, and highlighting the focus for the game: exploring both how algorithms change our ‘sentience’ as well as posing the question whether there is a ‘sentience’ of the algorithms.
    In this report, I reflect on the design process, the playtest and the feedback, and what we want to change before the next playtest.

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  • More images from Baltan
    30 April 2018 | touch, vision, biometric, vibration, light
    Some more pictures from the residency at Baltan Laboratories of the work in progress.

    The workdesk at Baltan (photos by Tineke van Hilten)

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  • Building prototypes at Baltan
    21 April 2018 | touch, vision, biometric, vibration, light
    In the first part of my “Sentient Machines” residency at Baltan Laboratories, I focused on building first versions of the different protheses prototypes to use in the Malbody Centre project. During this residency Tineke van Hilten joined me to help out with creating a wearable.
    In this report, I address the various things that I worked on by theme, rather than in chronological order.

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