artist and researcher/developer based in Amsterdam - working with sound, light and interaction
Article on Fair Practice at PlatformBK
Over the past years a Fair Practice Code has been developed in the arts sector in the Netherlands, after realising the precarious situation of artists - both financially and in terms of power of negotiation. For the upcoming round of four year funding for institutions, adherence to this code is one of the requirements to get funding. But looking in detail at how a city like Den Haag includes questions about the Fair Practice Code there is still reason to be concerned. In reaction, I wrote the article “Als Fair Practice Code het antwoord is, wilt u dan de vraag nog eens herhalen?” (if fair practice code is the answer, could you repeat the question perhaps?). An English translation will follow later in the month.
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Tinnitus highlighted by IMPAKT
IMPAKT highlighted an old piece I made in 2011, for the Inclusive Extensions - shifting borders by design project.
Tinnitus: A work by Marije Baalman and Mariagiovanna Nuzzi
When it comes to hearing disabilities, Tinnitus might be one of the most common. In the Netherlands alone, an estimated 2 million people suffer from Tinnitus. It is a form of hearing damage, in which you continuously experience sound, even when there is no external sound. Tinnitus has many different causes, but the most common cause is (over)exposure to loud noise.
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Livecoding with one hand
I’m typing this post with the Twiddler (well, I started at least). I’ve been practising now for some months and developing the interface for ‘Etudes pour le livecoding a une main’, basically since the notification came in that the performance got accepted for the ICLC.
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