Sound design (first two days at APO33)

With the physics model created, then the question was of course how to make translate the resulting data into sound. The first idea I try out is if I take the distance from the center rod of each ring of nodes as a wave amplitude. So in other words, I translate these distances to a wavetable, which is then played back. As the model is set into motion, this will cause the waves to become louder and more complex at the same time.

SynthDef( \wavetable, {
    var bufSelect = \, \, 1, \ );
    var signal = \ + bufSelect, \, \ ); \, signal, \, \ ) );
);{ |jt, j|
    var distances = 10.collect{ |it| 
        ~physics.getParticleParameter( jt, it, \distance );
    } - ~meanParticleDistances[j];
    ~sigs[j] = ~createSplineSignal.value( distances );
    if ( ~sigs[j].notNil ){
        ~wavebuffers[j][~bufid].loadCollection( ~sigs[j].asWavetable );
        ~wavetables[j].set( \gate, ~bufid );

To smooth the wavetable, I am using splines to interpolate to a smooth function between the points. Occasionally these give a glitch in the sound, so I am doing a check whether the glitch happens.

~createSplineSignal = { |indata|
    var splinedata, spline, signal;
    var data = indata;
    var maxData = data.maxItem;
    data = data ++ data[0];
    splinedata = [ (0..10), data ].flop;
    spline = BSpline( splinedata, 3 );
    signal = spline.interpolate(256).flop[1];
    // sometimes there is a strange glitch in the interpolation,
    // so we need to catch it:
    if ( (maxData - signal.maxItem).abs > 5.0 ){; "\t".post;signal.maxItem.postln;
        Signal.newFrom( signal );
Tue, 16 August, 2016
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